INTREN uses Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors access and use our website ( We do not use Google Analytics to identify individual users. If you do not wish to have this information collected, Google has created a web browser plugin that will disable the Google Analytics cookie on your browser. Download the add-on here: .

Information collected by Google Analytics may include:

  • The date, time and duration of your visit to
  • Any pages you viewed on, including the first and last pages
  • The Country, State, and City from which you are viewing
  • Website links, ads or search terms that brought you to our website
  • If you are signed into a Google account, Age, Gender and Market Segmentation information you may have provided in your Google profile may also be provided

Information we do NOT Collect through Google Analytics:

  • Identifying information such as your Name, Address, Telephone Number or Mailing Address
  • Your shopping/purchasing habits on other websites
  • Your browsing history, other than if you followed a link from an external website to
  • Your future browsing habits, other than if you follow a link from to a page on an external website
  • In addition, users may voluntarily provide information through a form on our website.

The information we collect may be used to monitor our site and implement improvements to provide a better user experience. We may also use information provided in our contact form for marketing INTREN at a later date, users will always be able to opt-out of our marketing materials.

No information collected automatically or voluntarily will be sold to outside vendors.


INTREN's vision is to provide a great customer experience. In defining a great customer experience for our customers with disabilities, we are committed to removing barriers and providing alternative ways to access our products and services.

Enhancements to our website currently are being developed in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.


All information provided on this Website is intended for informational purposes only. All information is believed to be reliable, but is not warranted to be accurate, timely or complete, nor is any information intended to constitute financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Many factors unknown to INTREN may affect the applicability of any statement or comment made on the Website to your particular circumstances.


Links to other websites or references to other products, services or publications do not imply the endorsement or approval of such websites, products, services or publications by INTREN. Third party websites reached through links from this Website may also have privacy and security policies different from INTREN, and may provide less security. INTREN is not responsible for the collection, use, or security of information by companies outside of INTREN that may be linked to on this Website. If you choose to access any software available through links from this Website, you should take reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses and ensure compatibility of the software with your specific computer system. You should also ensure that you have a complete and current backup of the information contained on your computer system prior to installing such software. Please review the privacy and security policies of websites reached through links from this Website.

Trademarks INTREN and certain other words, symbols and logos used on this Website in connection with INTREN products or services are trademarks and trade dress of INTREN. Certain other words and symbols used to identify the source of third party goods and services are trademarks of their respective owners, including the third party trademarks listed below. The display of any such trademarks or trade dress on this Website does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted.

Copyright Notice Copyright 漏 2021 INTREN, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Any unauthorized downloading, re-transmission, display, distribution or other copying, or modification of any copyrightable matter in the above and/or the contents of this Website herein is strictly prohibited, and could subject those engaging in such activities to legal action.

All information at this Website is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. In addition, certain information may have been copyrighted by others. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy, redistribute, reproduce or republish in any form, any information found at this Website. Inquiries about permission should be directed to:

Marketing Department